Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Manager and Functions of a Manager

Manager is a person who oversees the function of others. or who with and take work form other effectively and efficiently. Both effectiveness and efficiency is necessary because a person who is effective but not efficient may not be a good manager.
Manager and Functions of a Manager

Functions of Manager
Plaining:-  This function of management include to set goals or defining goals, establish strategies to accomplish those goals and develop plans to integrate and coordinate activities. Plaining is like what should be done (defining goals) , where it should be done, when it should be done, how it should be done (strategies).
Organizing :-  it involves Arranging and structuring work, activities and people. It is the mechanism in which plan is putted to work.
Leading :- After organizing manager do leading, which involve directing the organized activities and responsibilities. Assigning task to the organizational memebers usually sub-ordinates. As a leader manager motivate, hire etc. a manager take work form the people but a leader work with and from the people.
Controlling :- after goals are defined, structuring and arrangements are done followed by assigning of tasks and responsibilities managers go for controlling. In controlling manager go for the monitoring and  evaluation of the ongoing work or out-put. Controlling also involve the identification of problem which are to be fixed. If problem is detected then they go for Correction which also comes under the controlling. If the output is comparable to the goals then they go for status quo.

 Managerial Roles:- they are certain activities which we expect from manager. some behavioral expectation are expected from the manager.
Three Different categories:
Interpersonal Roles
Informational rules
Decisional Roles

Interpersonal Roles  Interpersonal roles of manager is all about dealing with the people included meeting and greeting. The roles that involve people and other duties that are Social, ceremonial and symbolic (representative ) in nature. It includes some sort of interactions between people.  Sub categories of interpersonal roles:

Figure head symbolic head is responsible to perform number of routine activities of legal and social nature. As a symbolic head the manager usually head the meeting and meet and greet with the people as a representative of the organization. As a figure head manger also is responsible to be the part of ceremonial activities (award presenting, other formal occasions) which are related to the organization or to it employee.
Leader :  Responsible for motivation, and encouraging of subordinate. Responsible for staffing, training, firing, hiring  and releted activities.  Leader ensure that every one knows how to do their job. As a leader you always have to assure that your employee works in a safe and productive environment.
Liaison : maintaining a self-developed network of out-side contacts or informers to provide favors or information.  These self-developed networks of outs side are required some time for smooth operations of organization or business and it is valuable is tough time.

Informational Roles: it involve receiving, collection and disseminating the information.
Three diff types:

Monitor: receive information form internal and external sources. The information is usually related to the organization or any aspect of organization and or related to employees. As to monitor your team or sub-ordinates in terms of productivity and wellbeing. 
Disseminator: You transfer the info to the concern people with in the organization. Or the communication of useful information to the colleagues or employees which will smoothen their way toward goals.
Spokes person: You transmit information to the outsiders about organization plans and policies. Although it is not always done to sprinkle or spread plans but objectives are usually spread and sprinkled to the outside people like customers some time partners etc.

Decisional Roles: these roles revolve around making choices. (making choice between two alternatives is called decision).
Decision include following aspects:

Enterprenure: innovation and taking risk.  Or the capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business or organization with all risks to achieve goals or objectives.  Entrepreneurship is full of challenges.  Entrepreneur is a manger with high risk management tendencies.  As an entrepreneur manager take decisions about the changes which are happening in the organization.
Disturbance handler: Responsible for corrective actions when the organization faces any unexpected  disturbances.
Resource allocators: to distribute money or resources according to the capcity. It involves to create balance when distributing the resources of organization. Resource must be directed according to the organizational capacities and type of activity (how big is the outcome of that activity or how it is involved in the organizational dignity). 
Negotiator: negotiate internally (with customers etc) and internally (with employ).

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