Friday, 4 November 2022

Exercise as a treatment for drug addiction, pharmacological mechanisms related to dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems of the brain

According to a recent paper which is published in the journal of biomarkers (mentioned at the last of this article), physical exercise reverse damages caused by the addictive substances to the brain. Addictive substances disrupts various neurotransmitter systems in the brain, including the dopaminergic and glutamatergic systems which are the most studied in terms of their roles in addictive behaviors.

Exercise a treatment for drug addiction, Pharmacological mechanisms

    We knows that dopamine is one of brain neurotransmitter which is affected by addictive. Chronic use of addictive substances decrease the basal (tonic) level of dopamine in the brain (although drugs increase dopamine instantly after use for short time which cause drugs associated euphoria). This chronic decrease in the level of dopamine is one of the majors causes which forces the individual of starts the drugs again. Exercise plays the role here. This new studies have collected multiple evidences from previously published papers that exercise increase the level of dopamine, which was affected by the addictive substances in the brain (particularly in the striatum), and prevent relapse. This paper also reported that other aspects of dopaminergic systems such as receptors density and dopamine transporter availability which is disrupted by the additive substances is also recovered by exercise. 

Reference article

1) "Dopaminergic and glutamatergic biomarkers disruption in addiction and regulation by exercise: a mini review"

Location: 12 Evella Ct, Amaroo ACT 2914, Australia

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