Monday, 6 November 2017

Comminution Size Reduction Full Chapter Free Download Pharmacy

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Also called Milling and grinding. Comminution is the process of size reduction of solids or liquids.  Comminution is required extensively for pharmaceutical processes in one stage or another. Syrups , suspensions emulsions , ointment and lot other preparations require this process for the desired final product.
In case of solids particle reduction comminution is called Milling and incase of liquids the process is called emulsification or atomization.
In the milling process, materials are reduced in size by fracturing them. The material is stressed by the action of mechanical moving parts in the milling machine and initially the stress is absorbed internally by the material as strain energy. When the strain energy exceeds a critical level, which is a function of the material, fracture occurs along lines of weakness.
Pharmaceutical Importance 
  • ·         In suspension optimum size of particle are required to meet the required properties of the suspension i.e too small particles form cake formation while too large particle sediment rapidly and have problem in suspension.
  • ·         Granule size is highly important in case of solid dosage form and particle size may affect the dissentragetion and flow properties of the materials.
  • ·         In semisolid dosage form particle size is of immense importance just like in eye ointment large particle may irritate the eye.
  • ·         Comminution of the particles increase the surface are and thus ease in dissolution , and extraction processes. 
  •      Small particle size enhance the lubrication property of a lubricants just like dust of talk
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