Sunday, 12 November 2017

Preformulation Studies and Pharmaceutical Technology

A group of studies that focus on the physicochemical and derived properties of a new drug candidate thus helping in sorting out problems in poor drug performance and drug development.
Or Preformulation may be defined as the phase of research and development in which physicochemical and derived properties of drugs are studied in-order to develop safe, effective, stable dosage form with reproducible results.
Preformulation studies provide bases for formulation of a discovered drugs. Or we can say it is the first step of formulation development which gave us information about the behavior of the drugs. Preformualtion studies contain two different type of studies which are:
Physicochemical Studies : included are solubility, crystallinity, polymorphism, chemical stability, physical stability, ionization etc. 
Derived Properties: it includes those properties which are derived from the basic (primary) properties, like bulk density and tape density etc.
Objective of Preformulation Studies
  • ·         To Find out or to Know about the physicochemical and derived properties of drugs.
  • ·         To determine kinetics and stability of drugs.
  • ·         To find out drugs compatibility with other excipients.
  • ·         To find about the safe drugs storage, mechanical processes thus ensuring the quality.

Physicochemical Properties of Drugs
Aqueous Solubility
Aqueous solubility is taken as a standard because all the GIT environment (Fluids) is aqueous (watery) and polar in nature. Drugs must have aqueous solubility if it is supposed to be given via oral route. If drug is not solubilized it can limit the absorption because only soluble drug molecules are the candidates for absorption from the GIT membrane to the blood.
Solubility is defines as concentration of a substance (solid dosage form may also contain suspension etc), at which it is in equilibrium in a solvent at a specific temperature and PH. Solubility is the measure that how much a solute (drug) is dissolved in a liquid.
Importance of solubility
  •     Solubility is required for solid dosage form to be absorbed from GI membrane (particularly in passive diffusion).
  •    It is Directly Related to the extent of drug absorption. Mean Grater the solubility of drug greater will be the amount of drug absorbed (but unionized form).
  •        Drug Having high solubility are more absorbed. Drugs having less then 1% solubility are poorly absorbed.

Extent of Solubility is Shown By Vant Hoff Equitation

Activity coefficient shows the intermolecular forces between the Drug-Drug molecules (solute molecules). Solvent Solute interaction must be greater then the solute-solute interaction to have solubility of solute.
Various Methods are followed to find the solubility of drugs. Which includes adding excess amount of solute (drug) to defined media and agitating until equilibrium is established at a specific temperature. High throughput screening and Spectroscopic methods and various others are also applicable to find solubility.
Ka is the representative of dissociation of ions, and is called dissociation constant. Pka is the negative log of Ka. Pka is the PH at which half of the molecules are in ionized state. Or Pka simply may be called plus minus 2 PH, which is basic and Pka value of   5 will be 100 percent ionized at PH 3 at acidic medium 50 percent ionized at PKa=PH of 5 and unionized at PH 7. It means that this basic drug will be ionized at acidic medium which if of course the general case for all base. And vice versa for acids.
Dissolution Rate:
Dissolution is the rate limiting step for those drugs having poor solubility and intended for rapid biological activity. In some case drug are required to be dissolved rapidly for rapid action, just like antihypertensive, pain killers and antianginal drugs for the conditions which are acute. For chronic conditions slow dissolution rate is required. But some time a combination of rapid and slow dissolution rate is required.  Dissolution rate can be described form Noyes-Whitney equitation which is in figure 18.3 below.

Determination of Dissolution Rate
Dissolution Rate can be determined by two different method.
Constant Surface Method: Dissolution rate of a substance under constant surface area (gives intrinsic dissolution rate).
Particulate Dissolution : the surface area does not remain constant when the dissolution is ongoing. This method give the real picture of dissolution.
Partition Coefficient
Partition coefficient shows the lipophilic and hydrophilic tendencies of substances(drugs). It is defined as “the concentration of ratio of unionized drug distributed between phases at equilibrium:
P= Co/Cw  where Co is the concentration of drug in octanol and Cw is the concentration in water. Log of P is used in Pharmaceutical industry. It is shown from the above basic equitation of Partition coefficient that greater the value of P grater will be solubility in octanol hence showing more lipophilicity and vice versa. Octanol is used along with water because octanol contain the same characters as the biological membrane having both polar and non polar end.
Permeability is the ability of drugs to pass biological membrane. Three factors define permeability, includes Lipophilicity, Molecular size and polarity.
Lipophilic drugs having high partition coefficient , pass easily through biological membrane. But drug with excessive high partition coefficient may sequester in the tissues or cells thus limiting the permeability. Molecular size also have impact on permeability. Small molecule can easily cross the membrane as compare to large molecule. Polarity bring the bigger scene where the polar drugs can’t  breach the biological membrane thus decreasing the bioavailability of the drugs. Generally Lipinski’s rule of five is applicable for permeability of drug but not common to all drugs limitations are there:
  • v  There must be less then 5 hydrogen bond donors NH+ and OH etc.
  • v  There must be not more then 10 hydrogen bond acceptors, Number of nitrogen and oxygen.
  • v  Molecular weight should be less then 500 Dalton.
  • v  Log P value must not be more then 5.

This rule is called rule of five because it contain every thin multiple of 5. Infect 4 Assumptions are made there.
Crystalline substances are less soluble compared to amorphous substances. But incase of drugs amorphous forms is not preferable because it is less stable form with high energy thus can change from amorphous to crystalline form, leading to variance is other properties.  Reproducible results can,t be attained from amorphous form that why crystalline form is preferred.
Crystals of various drugs have various structures. Polymorphism is drugs having more then one crystal habit (outer appearance). Change in Crystal Habit (structure) is due to the internal arrangement of atoms or molecules. Various forms of crystals of drugs have change in physical properties like dissolution, boiling temperature and chemical stability etc. The highest melting specie is usually the most stable one. The polymorph with highest energy is called metastable which is usually the most soluble but least stable and convert from one from to another form thus limiting the reproducibility of results.
Some drugs molecules carry solvates molecules along with it from the solvent form which it is recovered. Just like Erythromysin monohydrate and Erythromysin trihydrate. When the solvent molecules are water then it is called hydrated form or hydrates.
Usually the un-hydrated forms are more soluble forms for a drug. But it is not hard and fast rule. Just like Erythromysin trihydrate form is mole soluble then the monohydrated and unhydrated form.
Particle Size and Shape
Rate of dissolution is directly proportional to the particle size just because particle size affect surface area of particles exposed. Drug having low water solubility can be improved by reducing their size and thus increase in their Cmax and Bioavailability. For Example increase in the bioavailability of micronized Griseofulvin as compared to rough form. Particle Shape has effects on the Flow properties of drugs when in Mechanical processing.

Other Properties like Hygroscopicity, Melting point stability and Derived properties like tape density and bulk densities etc are also studied in Preformulation. 

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